Donating services to PlanUSAGet your name out to our universe by donating services for our use or for promotional useClick here to get started
Donating products to PlanUSAGet your name out to our universe by donating products for promotional useClick here to get started
American made products mean consumers have money
Economic and Social Implementations for the Post Adam Smith World
- Engineering solutions for positive results on the other side of coming social and economic changes -by Richard Pearlman
It's nice to meet you.
We do not share this information with anyone.We will email or call you to verify information and start a relationship.
Thank you for Volunteering.
Professional Services Volunteer
Internet Services Volunteer
Area Reps for raising funds and/or bringing new manufacturing to an area and/or media placement and/or produce local events
Area reps work in a local area coordinating with the national committee for each area.
We need artists and graphic designers capable of getting important points across in a simple and direct manner.
We need writers capable of clear and grammar correct writing. You can have your own blog if you are capable of turning out at least one new article each month.
If you do not like your articles edited please do not apply. Writers who do not like criticism are not the writers we want.
Please know your history of your topics.
All articles have moderated (by our editors) discussion groups.
PlanUSA plans many events from fundraising to concerts. Your event expertise is important in making events a communication medium.
We need experts for print, TV, Radio, and Internet advertising.
PlanUSA wants to build a national fundraising network. We need to raise enough funds to make America the industrial giant once again.
Please let us know if you have another area of interest to help bring back manufacturing.
Thank you for volunteering to bring manufacturing and jobs back to America.